2009 Sessions for Mohammed Mohsin

1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 06C*
Monetary Theory


Edgar A. Ghossoub, The University of Texas at San Antonio

Session Chairs:

Edgar A. Ghossoub, The University of Texas at San Antonio


"Central Bank Provision of Liquidity and Financial Market Volatility"
Robert R. Reed, III, The University of Alabama (Contact Author)
Bonnie Brewer, The University of Alabama
Jun Ma, The University of Alabama
David C. Mills, Federal Reserve Bank Board of Governors

"The Real Effects of Inflation in Small Open Developing Economies: Theory and Empirics"
Mark Assibey-Yeboah, The University of Tennessee (Contact Author)
Mohammed Mohsin, The University of Tennessee

"Endogenous Financial Development and the Effects of Monetary Policy"
Edgar A. Ghossoub, The University of Texas at San Antonio (Contact Author)

"Monetary Policy in a Two-Sector Dependent Economy"
Mohammed Mohsin, The University of Tennessee
Kihyun Park, The Univeristy of Tennessee (Contact Author)


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