2009 Sessions for Emmanuel Dechenaux

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 11A
Oligopoly Models and Empirical Evidence

Session Chairs:

Yuying Xie, Shepherd University


"Mergers and Strategic Programming Choices in Broadcast Radio"
Catherine Tyler Mooney, The University of Oklahoma (Contact Author)

"Sole-Source Contracts in WIC Infant-Formula Rebate Auctions and Their Effect on Manufacturers’ Markups"
David E. Davis, South Dakota State University (Contact Author)

"Technology Spillover and Product Quality in Fully Covered Markets: Simultaneous Vis-à-vis Sequential Quality Decisions"
Yuying Xie, Shepherd University (Contact Author)


Klaus G. Becker, Texas Tech University
Robert Driskill, Vanderbilt University
Emmanuel Dechenaux, Kent State University


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3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 16D
Law and Economics I

Session Chairs:

Matthew D. Henry, Cleveland State University


"Uncertainty in the Theory of Deterrence: Experimental Evidence"
Gregory DeAngelo, University of California, Santa Barbara (Contact Author)
Gary Charness, University of California, Santa Barbara

"A Structural Analysis of American Drunk Driving Legislation"
Darren Grant, Sam Houston State University (Contact Author)

"Disparities in Federal Sentencing: A New Approach"
Monica E. Hartmann, University of St. Thomas (Contact Author)
Beth A. Freeborn, The College of William & Mary

"Do Statutory Rape Laws Work?"
Matthew D. Henry, Cleveland State University (Contact Author)
Scott Cunningham, Baylor University

"Preemptive Corruption, Hold-Up and Repeated Interactions"
Emmanuel Dechenaux, Kent State University (Contact Author)
Andrew Samuel, Loyola University - Maryland


Beth A. Freeborn, The College of William & Mary
D. Mark Anderson, University of Washington
Gregory DeAngelo, University of California, Santa Barbara
David VanHoose, Baylor University
Alexander Fink, George Mason University


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