Saturday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 07A Determinants and Effects of Foreign Direct Investment: Firms' Objectives and Country Characteristics |
Organizers: |
Javier A. Reyes, University of Arkansas |
Session Chairs: |
Rossitza B. Wooster, Portland State University |
Papers: |
"Incentives and Deterrents to Foreign Direct Investment " "Direct Investments in China and Transition Economies: Complements or Substitutes?" "Was Latin America Correct in Relying on Foreign Direct Investment to Improve Employment Rates?" |
Discussants: |
Christopher A. Laincz, Drexel University |
Sunday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 07F Remittances, Immigration, and Portfolio Choices |
Organizers: |
Javier A. Reyes, University of Arkansas |
Session Chairs: |
Carlos Vargas-Silva, University of Oxford |
Papers: |
"Insurance Role of Remittances and Household Credit Demand" "Immigrants, Assimilation and Wealth Portfolio Choices" "When Remittances Are More than Just Money: Measuring the Impact of Remittances on Demographic Behavior" |
Discussants: |
Christopher P. Ball, Quinnipiac University |
Sunday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 07G Remittances and FDI Flows: Macroeconomic Causes and Consequences |
Organizers: |
Javier A. Reyes, University of Arkansas |
Session Chairs: |
Javier A. Reyes, University of Arkansas |
Papers: |
"The Macroeconomic Consequences of Remittances: A Reappraisal" "Financial Openness, Resource Reallocation and the Real Exchange Rate: Is There a Trade-off?" "Real Business Cycles and Remittances to Emerging Markets" |
Discussants: |
Olivier Coibon, The College of William & Mary |
Monday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 17K Nominal Income Targeting, the Productivity Norm, and Monetary Stability |
Organizers: |
Joshua Hendrickson, Wayne State University |
Session Chairs: |
Joshua Hendrickson, Wayne State University |
Papers: |
"Monetary Policy Under Greenspan" "Could Nominal Income Targeting Have Prevented the Current Recession?" "In Search of Monetary Stability: A Comparison of the Taylor Rule and the Productivity Norm" "Nominal Income Targeting and Asset Prices" |