2009 Sessions for Matthew Kim

4:15 - 5:45 p.m.
Session 10I
Workplace Exits

Session Chairs:

Stephan Lindner, University of Michigan


"A New Approach to Triggering Extended Unemployment Insurance: Identifying Poor Labor Market Conditions with Markov Switching Models"
Jeremy Schwartz, The George Washington University (Contact Author)

"Job Loss and the Decision to Apply for Social Security Disability Insurance: Do Transitory Income Shocks Matter?"
Stephan Lindner, University of Michigan (Contact Author)

"The Family Medical and Leave Act and Women’s Return to Work at Part-Time Status"
Whitney Schott, University of Pennsylvania (Contact Author)

"Charitable Giving and Volunteering in Retirement"
Matthew Kim, University of St. Thomas (Contact Author)


Jeremy Schwartz, The George Washington University
Whitney Schott, University of Pennsylvania
Denise Whalen, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Matthew Kim, University of St. Thomas


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