2009 Sessions for Kristie Briggs

1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 23C
Importance of Information

Session Chairs:

Jennifer Steele, Washington State University


"Arrow's Paradox and Competitive Markets for Information"
Samuli Leppälä, Turku School of Economics (Contact Author)

"Shock and Awe: The Effects of Disinformation in Military Confrontation"
Matthew Clements, St. Edward's University (Contact Author)

"When Opportunity Costs Matter: Screening Through Diversion in Multi-Stage Contracts"
Jennifer Steele, Washington State University (Contact Author)

"The Marginal Affect of a Terrorist Organization"
Kathleen Deloughery, University at Albany - SUNY (Contact Author)

"Urbanization and the Cultural Costs of International Trade"
Tamas Forgacs, California State University, Fresno (Contact Author)
Iliana Perez, California State University, Fresno


Andreas Pape, Binghamton University
Alistair J. Wilson, New York University
Matthew Clements, St. Edward's University
Jonathan Munemo, Salisbury University
Kristie Briggs, Creighton University


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10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 13K

Session Chairs:

Kristie Briggs, Creighton University


"Imitation, Innovation and Threshold Effects: A Game Theoretic Approach"
Stefan Ruediger, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point (Contact Author)
Hamid Mohtadi, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

"International Technology Diffusion: Explaining the Spillover Gains to Developing Countries"
Abdoulaye Seck, Suffolk University (Contact Author)

"The Rate of Technological Progress, Effective Human Capital and the Dynamics of Income Inequality: An Empirical Analysis"
Joshua Dennis Hall, Drexel University (Contact Author)

"The Impact of Regional Innovation on Born-Global Entrepreneurs"
Kristie Briggs, Creighton University (Contact Author)


Joshua Dennis Hall, Drexel University
Stefan Ruediger, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Tamas Forgacs, California State University, Fresno
Abdoulaye Seck, Suffolk University


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