2009 Sessions for Samuli Leppälä

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 11B
Firm Organization and Market Structure

Session Chairs:

Cesar Alfredo Cancho, Texas A&M University


"Innovation, Licensing and Market Structure in Agricultural Biotechnology"
Benjamin C. Anderson, The Ohio State University (Contact Author)
Ian Sheldon, The Ohio State University

"Measuring the Degree of Competition Between Nonprofits and For-Profits: The Case of Fitness Centers"
Teresa D. Harrison, Drexel University (Contact Author)
Katja Seim, University of Pennsylvania

"Regulatory Compliance and Market Competition: Evidence from Emission Inspection Market "
Cesar Alfredo Cancho, Texas A&M University (Contact Author)

"Strategic Campaign Expenditures"
Kyle Kretschman, The University of Texas at Austin
Nick Mastronardi, United States Air Force Academy (Contact Author)

"Optimal Purchasing Strategy: Burning What You Bought"
Dongsoo Shin, Santa Clara University (Contact Author)


Gergely Ujhelyi, University of Houston
Dongsoo Shin, Santa Clara University
Alexandre Padilla, Metropolitan State College of Denver
Tomi Ovaska, Youngstown State University
Samuli Leppälä, Turku School of Economics


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1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 23C
Importance of Information

Session Chairs:

Jennifer Steele, Washington State University


"Arrow's Paradox and Competitive Markets for Information"
Samuli Leppälä, Turku School of Economics (Contact Author)

"Shock and Awe: The Effects of Disinformation in Military Confrontation"
Matthew Clements, St. Edward's University (Contact Author)

"When Opportunity Costs Matter: Screening Through Diversion in Multi-Stage Contracts"
Jennifer Steele, Washington State University (Contact Author)

"The Marginal Affect of a Terrorist Organization"
Kathleen Deloughery, University at Albany - SUNY (Contact Author)

"Urbanization and the Cultural Costs of International Trade"
Tamas Forgacs, California State University, Fresno (Contact Author)
Iliana Perez, California State University, Fresno


Andreas Pape, Binghamton University
Alistair J. Wilson, New York University
Matthew Clements, St. Edward's University
Jonathan Munemo, Salisbury University
Kristie Briggs, Creighton University


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