2009 Sessions for Michael Jetter

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 19G
Issues in Gender Inequity

Session Chairs:

Dipanwita D. Sarkar, The University of Louisiana at Monroe


"Gender Pay Gap Among Top Executive Officers"
Valdemar Smith, University of Aarhus (Contact Author)
Mette Verner, University of Aarhus
Nina Smith, University of Aarhus

"Estimating Gender Differentials in Earnings of MBA Graduates"
Wayne A. Grove, Le Moyne College
Andrew Hussey, The University of Memphis (Contact Author)
Michael Jetter, The University of Memphis

"Gender Inequality and the Spread of HIV/AIDS in India"
Aparna Mitra, University of Oklahoma (Contact Author)
Dipanwita D. Sarkar, The University of Louisiana at Monroe

"Female-Headed Households and Poverty: Evidence from the National Family Health Survey"
Ramaprasad Rajaram, The University of Georgia (Contact Author)

"Gender and Portfolio Choice: Are Women More Risk Averse when Selecting Pension Funds?"
Jose Olivares, Universidad del Desarrollo (Contact Author)


Valdemar Smith, University of Aarhus
Christy Spivey, The University of Texas at Arlington
Hitomi Komatsu, American University
Jose Olivares, Universidad del Desarrollo
Andrew Hussey, The University of Memphis


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 08J
Decisions and Social Outcomes

Session Chairs:

Jaesoo Kim, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis


"Is There Crowd Wisdom in the Judgment of Experts? Evidence from College Football Rankings"
Justin M. Ross, Indiana University (Contact Author)

"Designing Contests with Heterogeneous Agents"
Jaesoo Kim, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (Contact Author)
Jongwoo Park, Michigan State University

"How Does Envy Affect Production Effort and Utility?"
Michael Jetter, The University of Memphis (Contact Author)

"A Computational Implementation of Case-Based Decision Theory"
Andreas Pape, Binghamton University (Contact Author)


Michael Jetter, The University of Memphis
Andreas Pape, Binghamton University
Jennifer Steele, Washington State University
Jaesoo Kim, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis


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10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 03K
Law and Economics II

Session Chairs:

Alexander Fink, George Mason University


"Prostitution 2.0: The Impact of the Internet of United States Commercial Sex Markets"
Scott Cunningham, Baylor University (Contact Author)
Todd Kendall, Compass Lexecon

"Juries in Classical Athens: Group Size and the Condorcet Jury Theorem"
Bryan McCannon, Wake Forest University (Contact Author)

"Under What Conditions May a Social Contract Arise?"
Alexander Fink, George Mason University (Contact Author)


Bryan McCannon, Wake Forest University
George R.G. Clarke, Texas A&M International University
Michael Jetter, The University of Memphis


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