Saturday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 14A Prices |
Session Chairs: |
David VanHoose, Baylor University |
Papers: |
"Durable Goods and Sticky Prices: Industry-Level Evidence" "Sticky Prices and Wages Versus Sticky Information: Results from an Estimated DSGE Model" "Do Gasoline Prices Exhibit Asymmetry? Not Usually!" "Retail Pricing Strategy of Dominant and Fringe Firms in the Supermarket Industry" |
Discussants: |
Marcela Giraldo, University of Florida |
Monday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 22J Housing |
Session Chairs: |
Christopher Douglas, University of Michigan-Flint |
Papers: |
"House Value Depreciation and the Household’s Adjustment of Consumption and Asset Allocation" "Identifying Demand Curves with Data from a Single Real Estate Market" "The Effect of Coal Mines on Residential Property Values" |
Discussants: |
Arzu Sen, West Virginia University |