2009 Sessions for Christopher Douglas

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 14A

Session Chairs:

David VanHoose, Baylor University


"Durable Goods and Sticky Prices: Industry-Level Evidence"
Carl Gwin, Pepperdine University
David VanHoose, Baylor University (Contact Author)

"Sticky Prices and Wages Versus Sticky Information: Results from an Estimated DSGE Model"
Benjamin D. Keen, The University of Oklahoma (Contact Author)
Evan F. Koenig, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

"Do Gasoline Prices Exhibit Asymmetry? Not Usually!"
Christopher Douglas, University of Michigan-Flint (Contact Author)

"Retail Pricing Strategy of Dominant and Fringe Firms in the Supermarket Industry"
David Barrus, University of Kentucky (Contact Author)


Marcela Giraldo, University of Florida
Berrak Buyukkarabacak, University of Richmond
Christopher Douglas, University of Michigan-Flint
David B. Skarbek, George Mason University


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 22J

Session Chairs:

Christopher Douglas, University of Michigan-Flint


"House Value Depreciation and the Household’s Adjustment of Consumption and Asset Allocation"
Abdul Munasib, Oklahoma State University (Contact Author)
Xing Chen, Oklahoma State University

"Identifying Demand Curves with Data from a Single Real Estate Market"
Luis Gonzalez, University of Kentucky (Contact Author)
Brandon C. Koford, Valdosta State University
Kenneth P. Sanford, University of Kentucky

"The Effect of Coal Mines on Residential Property Values"
Arzu Sen, West Virginia University (Contact Author)


Arzu Sen, West Virginia University
Luis Gonzalez, University of Kentucky
Sermin Gungor, Emory University


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