2009 Sessions for Louis de Mesnard

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 04F
Antitrust Issues

Session Chairs:

David E.R. Gay, University of Arkansas


"Critical Import Elasticities, Geographic Market Definition, and the 'Imports-as-Market-Discipline' Hypothesis"
Julie Anne Carlson, Federal Trade Commission (Contact Author)
Paul R. Zimmerman, Federal Trade Commission

"Is the French Mobile Phone Cartel Really a Cartel?"
Louis de Mesnard, University of Burgundy (Contact Author)

"The Continuing Cartelizarion of the European Union Market for Wine"
David E.R. Gay, University of Arkansas (Contact Author)


Louis de Mesnard, University of Burgundy
Catherine Tyler Mooney, The University of Oklahoma
Scott French, The Univeristy of Texas at Austin


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