2009 Sessions for Jae Won Lee

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 08A
Business Cycles

Session Chairs:

Christian Jensen, University of South Carolina


"Imperfect Risk Sharing, Output-Inflation Tradeoffs and Business Cycles"
Jae Won Lee, Rutgers University (Contact Author)

"The Business-Cycle Effects of Aggregate Uncertainty"
Christian Jensen, University of South Carolina (Contact Author)

"Understanding the Decline in GDP in the Aftermath of Financial Crises: A Business Cycle Accounting Approach"
Dooyeon Cho, Michigan State University (Contact Author)
Antonio Doblas-Madrid, Michigan State University

"A Joint Dynamic Bi-Factor Model of the Yield Curve and the Economy as a Predictor of Business Cycles"
Zeynep Senyuz, University of New Hampshire (Contact Author)
Marcelle Chauvet, University of California, Riverside


Rasim Burak Uras, Washingston University in St. Louis Department of Economics
Luiggi Donayre, Washington University in St. Louis
Jae Won Lee, Rutgers University
Zeynep Senyuz, University of New Hampshire


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1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 04C
What's Good for the Economy?

Session Chairs:

Azhar Iqbal, Wells Fargo Securities, LLC


"What Makes a Good Economy? An Analysis of Survey Data"
Darren Grant, Sam Houston State University (Contact Author)

"Mean Diversion: When Getting Back to the Old Economy Isn’t Possible"
John Silvia, Wells Fargo Securities, LLC
Azhar Iqbal, Wells Fargo Securities, LLC (Contact Author)

"Employment Effect of Mergers and Acquisitions in the United States by Sector"
Kamal P. Upadhyaya, University of New Haven (Contact Author)
Nadia Doytch, University of New Haven
Franklin G. Mixon, Jr., Auburn University

"Is Less More?: Menu Costs and Estimated Thresholds in the Response of Output to Monetary Policy"
Luiggi Donayre, Washington University in St. Louis (Contact Author)


Jae Won Lee, Rutgers University
Taehee Han, Louisiana State University
Adam Honig, Amherst College
Darren Grant, Sam Houston State University


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