2009 Sessions for Jongsung Kim

2:00 - 3:45 p.m.
Session 19H
Micro Level Impact of Liberalization

Session Chairs:

Marzieh Bolhassani, University of Wisconsin Colleges


"Intra-Industry Specialization in United States-Mexico Trade"
Don P. Clark, The University of Tennessee (Contact Author)

"The Impact of International Trade on Gender Wage Gap in the United States"
Jongsung Kim, Bryant University (Contact Author)
Edinaldo Tebaldi, Bryant University

"Trade Liberalization and Industry Wage Premia: The Missing Role of Productivity"
Lourenco Paz, Syracuse University (Contact Author)

"Trade Liberalization and the Impact on the U.S. Motor Vehicle Trade with Canada"
Marzieh Bolhassani, University of Wisconsin Colleges (Contact Author)


Don P. Clark, The University of Tennessee
Xuepeng Paul Liu, Kennesaw State University
Tammy Parker, University of Louisiana at Monroe
Jongsung Kim, Bryant University


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