2009 Sessions for Christian Jensen

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 08A
Business Cycles

Session Chairs:

Christian Jensen, University of South Carolina


"Imperfect Risk Sharing, Output-Inflation Tradeoffs and Business Cycles"
Jae Won Lee, Rutgers University (Contact Author)

"The Business-Cycle Effects of Aggregate Uncertainty"
Christian Jensen, University of South Carolina (Contact Author)

"Understanding the Decline in GDP in the Aftermath of Financial Crises: A Business Cycle Accounting Approach"
Dooyeon Cho, Michigan State University (Contact Author)
Antonio Doblas-Madrid, Michigan State University

"A Joint Dynamic Bi-Factor Model of the Yield Curve and the Economy as a Predictor of Business Cycles"
Zeynep Senyuz, University of New Hampshire (Contact Author)
Marcelle Chauvet, University of California, Riverside


Rasim Burak Uras, Washingston University in St. Louis Department of Economics
Luiggi Donayre, Washington University in St. Louis
Jae Won Lee, Rutgers University
Zeynep Senyuz, University of New Hampshire


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10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 15G
Depository Institutions and Financial Markets

Session Chairs:

Jian Hu, Southern Methodist University


"Effects of Foreclosure Laws and Bankruptcy Asset Exemptions on Mortgage Default and Foreclosure Rates"
Chintal Desai, The University of Texas-Pan American
Gregory Elliehausen, Federal Reserve Board and The George Washington University
Jevgenijs Steinbuks, University of Cambridge (Contact Author)

"Interest on Bank Reserves and Optimal Sweeping"
Donald Dutkowsky, Syracuse University
David VanHoose, Baylor University (Contact Author)

"Strategic Behaviors in Financial Markets and the Market Discipline Mechanism"
Osman Nal, Texas Southern University (Contact Author)

"Return Dependence and the Limits of Product Diversification in Financial Firms"
Jian Hu, Southern Methodist University (Contact Author)
Thomas B. Fomby, Southern Methodist University
Jefferey Gunther, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas


Timothy P. Opiela, DePaul University
Christian Jensen, University of South Carolina
Osman Nal, Texas Southern University
Lisa Verdon, College of Wooster


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