2009 Sessions for Xi Tian

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 04B
Cultural Economics

Session Chairs:

D.W. MacKenzie, The United States Coast Guard Academy


"Social Status and Income Redistribution"
D.W. MacKenzie, The United States Coast Guard Academy (Contact Author)

"Congregational Economies of Scale and the Megachurch: An Application of the Stigler Survivor Technique"
Kenneth G. Elzinga, University of Virginia (Contact Author)
Colin T. Page, University of Virginia

"Communist Party Membership and Social Networks in China"
Abdul Munasib, Oklahoma State University (Contact Author)
Xi Tian, Department of Economics and Legal Studies

"Women in Economic Research: A Bibliometric Approach"
Emmanuelle Auriol, Toulouse School of Economics
Mette Verner, University of Aarhus (Contact Author)

"Economics, Philosophy (Metaphysics) and Progress"
Robert Renshaw, Renshaw Enterprises (Contact Author)


Alan Seals, Oklahoma City University
Kenneth G. Elzinga, University of Virginia
D.W. MacKenzie, The United States Coast Guard Academy
Robert Renshaw, Renshaw Enterprises
Frank Martin, Southern University at New Orleans


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 13J
Topics in the Economics of Fertility


Arthur H. Goldsmith, Washington and Lee University

Session Chairs:

Michael D. S. Morris, Oklahoma State University


"Mortality and Development"
Belgi Turan, University of Houston (Contact Author)

"A Comprehensive Analysis of Mandatory Waiting Periods for Abortions"
Brandeanna Dawn Allen, Middle Tennessee State University (Contact Author)

"Rainfall, Fertility, and Early Childhood Health in West Africa"
Yeon Soo Kim, University of Maryland at College Park (Contact Author)

"Fertility and Mortality: Can Altruism Explain Cross-Country Demographic Patterns?"
Isaac Petit-Frere, University of Miami (Contact Author)


Xi Tian, Department of Economics and Legal Studies
Attila Cseh, Valdosta State University
Valdemar Smith, University of Aarhus
Feng Qian, University at Buffalo


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