2009 Sessions for Meiying Han

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 16J
Medical Spending, Health Insurance and Health Outcomes

Session Chairs:

Yunwei Gai, Babson College


"Impact of Health Insurance on the Screening and Treatment Options for Prostate Cancer"
Yunwei Gai, Babson College (Contact Author)
Lynn MacDonald, St. Cloud State University

"How HMO Penetration Affects Care to the Uninsured in Florida Hospitals"
Lara Gardner, Southeastern Louisiana University (Contact Author)
Sang H. Lee, Southeastern Louisiana University

"The Relationship Between Medical Expenditure and Health Outcome"
Meiying Han, Stony Brook University (Contact Author)
John A. Rizzo, Stony Brook University

"The Effect of Electronic Health Records on Hospital Productivity"
Gary Ferrier, University of Arkansas (Contact Author)


Meiying Han, Stony Brook University
Padmaja Ayyagari, Yale University
Lara Gardner, Southeastern Louisiana University
Gary Ferrier, University of Arkansas


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