2009 Sessions for William Niskanen

2:00 - 3:45 p.m.
Session 01H*
The Public Choice Legacy of Gordon Tullock I


Charles K. Rowley, The Locke Institute


Charles K. Rowley, The Locke Institute


Charles K. Rowley, The Locke Institute "The Life, the Times and the Overall Legacy of Gordon Tullock"

William Niskanen, The Cato Institute "The Economics and Politics of Bureaucracy"

William F. Shughart, II, The University of Mississippi "What Should Governments Do? Problems of Social Cost, Externalities and All That "

Michael Reksulak, Georgia Southern University "What Should Governments Do? Problems of Social Cost, Externalities and All That "

Robert D. Tollison, Clemson University "Interest Groups, Rent Seeking and Redistributive Politics"


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