2009 Sessions for Claudio Djissey Shikida

2:00 - 3:45 p.m.
Session 02H
The Visible Hand


Anthony M. Carilli, Hampden-Sydney College

Session Chairs:

Emily Schaeffer, San Jose State University


"Cultural Roots of Failed States"
Claudio Djissey Shikida, IBMEC-MG (Contact Author)
Pedro H.C. Sant 'Anna, IBMEC-MG
Ari Francisco de Araujo, Jr., IBMEC-MG

"Mt Brown's 'Fatal Conceit': Development Planning in the UK Training 'Market'"
Paul Lewis, King's College London (Contact Author)

"Assume Markets"
Michael D. Thomas, Utah State University (Contact Author)

"Government Intervention and the Structure of Human Capital"
Joshua C. Hall, Beloit College (Contact Author)


Christopher J. Coyne, West Virginia University
Michael Ehret, Nottingham Trent University
Anthony M. Carilli, Hampden-Sydney College
Thomas Hogan, George Mason University


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