Session 02A | Money and Macroeconomics |
Session 02B | Don Lavoie Memorial Graduate Student Prize Winners |
Session 02C | Globalization and the Entrepreneur |
Session 02D | Reputation and Exchange |
Session 02F* | America’s Second Great Depression: A Symposium in Honor of Larry Sechrest I |
Session 02G* | America’s Second Great Depression: A Symposium in Honor of Larry Sechrest II |
Session 02H | The Visible Hand |
Session 02I | Cities and Disasters |
Session 02J | A Hodge-Podge of Hayek |
Session 02K | Firms and the Entrepreneur |
Saturday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SDAE |
Session 02A Money and Macroeconomics |
Organizers: |
Anthony M. Carilli, Hampden-Sydney College |
Session Chairs: |
Anthony M. Carilli, Hampden-Sydney College |
Papers: |
"Liquidity in the Age of Independence: Assessing UK Money Supply Measures in Light of the Credit Crunch" "An Austrian Rehabilitation of the Phillips Curve" "Fiat Monetary Systems and the International Structure of Production" |
Discussants: |
Gregory M. Dempster, Hampden-Sydney College |
Saturday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SDAE |
Session 02B Don Lavoie Memorial Graduate Student Prize Winners |
Organizers: |
Peter J. Boettke, George Mason University |
Session Chairs: |
Peter J. Boettke, George Mason University |
Papers: | |
Discussants: |
Steven G. Horwitz, St. Lawrence University |
Saturday 1:00 - 2:45 p.m. SDAE |
Session 02C Globalization and the Entrepreneur |
Organizers: |
Anthony M. Carilli, Hampden-Sydney College |
Session Chairs: |
Emily Schaeffer, San Jose State University |
Papers: |
"Entrepreneurship and the Decline of Nations" "Knowledge Problem with Export Zones in India " |
Discussants: |
Diana Thomas, Utah State University |
Saturday 3:00 - 4:45 p.m. SDAE |
Session 02D Reputation and Exchange |
Organizers: |
Anthony M. Carilli, Hampden-Sydney College |
Session Chairs: |
Jennifer Dirmeyer, Hampden-Sydney College |
Papers: |
"My Word is My Bond: Theory and Evidence of Reputation Mechanism in the Old West" "Amity and the Extend of the Market" |
Discussants: |
Anthony M. Carilli, Hampden-Sydney College |
Sunday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA*/SDAE |
Session 02F* America’s Second Great Depression: A Symposium in Honor of Larry Sechrest I |
Organizers: |
Mark Thornton, Ludwig von Mises Institute |
Session Chairs: |
Mark Thornton, Ludwig von Mises Institute |
Papers: |
"The Role of Agricultural and Natural Resource Policy in America’s Second Great Depression" "The Poverty of Modern Macroeconomic Theory and the Power of Austrian Business Cycle Theory" "Bush and Hoover: Do-Nothing Cads or Drunken Krugmaniacs?" |
Discussants: |
Joseph T. Salerno, Pace University |
Sunday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA*/SDAE |
Session 02G* America’s Second Great Depression: A Symposium in Honor of Larry Sechrest II |
Organizers: |
Mark Thornton, Ludwig von Mises Institute |
Session Chairs: |
Mark Thornton, Ludwig von Mises Institute |
Papers: |
"The Spending Illusion: Macroeconomics from Beginning to End" "Capital in Disequilibrium: What Can Austrian Economics Contribute to Understanding Recession and Recovery" "Hayek and Keynes on Self Reversing Booms" |
Discussants: |
Jimmy T. LaBaume, Sul Ross State University |
Sunday 2:00 - 3:45 p.m. SDAE |
Session 02H The Visible Hand |
Organizers: |
Anthony M. Carilli, Hampden-Sydney College |
Session Chairs: |
Emily Schaeffer, San Jose State University |
Papers: |
"Cultural Roots of Failed States" "Mt Brown's 'Fatal Conceit': Development Planning in the UK Training 'Market'" "Assume Markets" "Government Intervention and the Structure of Human Capital" |
Discussants: |
Christopher J. Coyne, West Virginia University |
Sunday 4:15 - 5:45 p.m. SDAE |
Session 02I Cities and Disasters |
Organizers: |
Anthony M. Carilli, Hampden-Sydney College |
Session Chairs: |
Jennifer Dirmeyer, Hampden-Sydney College |
Papers: |
"Jane Jacobs' The Economy of Cities at 40: A Stocktaking and an Evaluation" "Searching for Sympathy in all the Wrong Places: Private Charitable Given and Collective Action After Disaster" "Expectations of Government's Response to Disaster: Evidence for the Ninth Ward, New Orleans" |
Discussants: |
Jennifer Dirmeyer, Hampden-Sydney College |
Monday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SDAE |
Session 02J A Hodge-Podge of Hayek |
Organizers: |
Anthony M. Carilli, Hampden-Sydney College |
Session Chairs: |
Michael Ehret, Nottingham Trent University |
Papers: |
"An Explication of Hayek’s Theory of Knowledge in Society" "Extended Cognitive Systems" |
Discussants: |
Roger Koppl, Institute for Forensic Science Administration |
Monday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SDAE |
Session 02K Firms and the Entrepreneur |
Organizers: |
Anthony M. Carilli, Hampden-Sydney College |
Session Chairs: |
Evelyn Gick, Dartmouth College |
Papers: |
"The Firm as an Entrepreneurial Contract" "The Evolution of Real Wages and the Evaluation of Market" "Capital, Knowledge and Organization" |
Discussants: |
Michael D. Thomas, Utah State University |