2010 Sessions for Scott L. Baier

3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 08D*
Trade Agreements and Trade Patterns


Robert M. Feinberg, American University

Session Chairs:

Robert M. Feinberg, American University


"Ethnic Networks: They Increase Trade, Do They Also Decrease Price Dispersion?"
Michael Anderson, Washington and Lee University (Contact Author)
Martin Davies, Washington and Lee University
Stephen Smith, Gordon College

"Trade Agreements and Multimarket Collusion"
Eric W. Bond, Vanderbilt University (Contact Author)
Costas Syropoulos, Drexel University

"The Growth of Bilateralism"
Scott L. Baier, Clemson University (Contact Author)
Jeffrey H. Bergstrand, University of Notre Dame
Ronald Mariutto, University of Notre Dame


Robert M. Feinberg, American University
Tibor Besedes, Georgia Institute of Technology
Justin R Pierce, U.S. Census Bureau


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 08F*
Empirical Studies of Trade Protection


Robert M. Feinberg, American University

Session Chairs:

Eric W. Bond, Vanderbilt University


"The Role of Antidumping in Duration of Trade"
Tibor Besedes, Georgia Institute of Technology (Contact Author)

"Antidumping: A Problem of Development, Not of Trade?"
Robert M. Feinberg, American University (Contact Author)

"Are All Trade Protection Policies Created Equal? Empirical Evidence for Nonequivalent Market Power Effects of Tariffs and Quotas"
Justin R Pierce, U.S. Census Bureau (Contact Author)
Bruce Blonigen, University of Oregon
Benjamin H. Liebman, Saint Joseph's University
Wesley Wilson, University of Oregon


Michael Anderson, Washington and Lee University
Scott L. Baier, Clemson University
Eric W. Bond, Vanderbilt University


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4:15 - 5:45 p.m.
Session 20I*
Theoretical Developments in Long Run Economic Growth


Areendam Chanda, Louisiana State University
Jenny Minier, University of Kentucky

Session Chairs:

Elias Dinopoulos, University of Florida


"The Climatic Origins of the Neolithic Revolution: Theory and Evidence"
Stelios Michalopoulos, Tufts University (Contact Author)
Quamrul Ashraf, Williams College

Nils-Petter Lagerlöf, York University (Contact Author)

"Culture, Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth"
Shankha Chakraborty, University of Oregon (Contact Author)
Etienne Yehoue, International Monetary Fund

"Growth and Inequality: Dependence on the Time Path of Productivity Increases (and Other Structural Changes)"
Santanu Chatterjee, The University of Georgia (Contact Author)
Manoj Atolia, Florida State University
Stephen Turnovsky, University of Washington


Nils-Petter Lagerlöf, York University
Elias Dinopoulos, University of Florida
Scott L. Baier, Clemson University
Kevin Tsui, Clemson University


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