2010 Sessions for Reinhilde Veugelers

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 13F*
Knowledge Sharing and Mobility Patterns of Scientists


Paula Stephan, Georgia State University

Session Chairs:

Paula Stephan, Georgia State University


"A Model of Foreign Student Selection of a Ph.D. Institution"
Albert J. Sumell, Youngstown State University (Contact Author)
Zeynep E. Tanyildiz, Georgia State University

"The Role of Researcher Interaction and Mobility Between Firms and Research Organiziations"
Reinhilde Veugelers, University of Leuven (Contact Author)
Bruno Cassiman, University of Leuven
Sam Arts, University of Leuven

"Specific and General Information Sharing Among Academic Scientists"
Marie Thursby, Georgia Institute of Technology (Contact Author)
Carolin Haeussler, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Lin Jiang, Georgia Institute of Technology
Jerry Thursby, Georgia Institute of Technology

"Looking Homeward? The Career Choices of International S&E Graduate Students"
Henry Sauermann , Georgia Institute of Technology (Contact Author)
Michael Roach, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


Jerry Thursby, Georgia Institute of Technology
Shiferaw Gurmu, Georgia State University


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