2010 Sessions for Gihoon Hong

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 21K
Geographic and Economic Mobility

Session Chairs:

Janice Compton, University of Manitoba


"The Mom Effect: Family Proximity and the Labour Force Status of Women in Canada"
Janice Compton, University of Manitoba (Contact Author)
Jie Pan, Loyola University Maryland

"U.S. and Domestic Migration Decisions of Mexican Workers"
Gihoon Hong, University of Virginia (Contact Author)

"Give Us Your Wired and Skilled: Measuring the Impact of Immigration Policy on Employers and Shareholders"
Carl Lin, Rutgers University (Contact Author)

"The Effect of Family Income Volatility During Childhood on Adult Outcomes"
Bradley Hardy, University of Kentucky (Contact Author)


Carl Lin, Rutgers University
Bradley Hardy, University of Kentucky
Gihoon Hong, University of Virginia
James Bang, Virginia Military Institute


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