2010 Sessions for Stephen Billings

3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 13D
Sports Economics IV


Craig A. Depken, II, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Session Chairs:

Craig A. Depken, II, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte


"Crime Patterns Surrounding Sporting Events and Venues"
Stephen Billings, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Craig A. Depken, II, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte (Contact Author)

"Does International Simulcast Wagering Reduce Live Handle at Canadian Racetracks?"
Brad R. Humphreys, University of Alberta (Contact Author)
Brian P. Soebbing, University of Alberta
John Turvey, University of Alberta

"Why My Master? Determinant of Cycling Coach Selection"
Dan Larson, The University of Georgia
Joel G. Maxcy, The University of Georgia (Contact Author)

"Analysis of Referee Decisions in the English Premiere League"
Raymond D. Sauer, Clemson University (Contact Author)

Frank Stephenson, Berry College (Contact Author)


Brad R. Humphreys, University of Alberta
Dennis C. Coates, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Jane E. Ruseski, University of Alberta


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10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 20K
Urban Economics

Session Chairs:

John Winters, Auburn University at Montgomery


"Agglomeration Within an Urban Area"
Stephen Billings, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte (Contact Author)
Erik Johnson, Quinnipiac University

"Human Capital, Higher Education Institutions, and Quality of Life"
John Winters, Auburn University at Montgomery (Contact Author)

"Time-To-Build Completion Patterns for Residential Structures and for All Structures, 1971-2009"
Michael Montgomery, University of Maine (Contact Author)

"Foreclosure, Vacancy and Crime"
Lin Cui, University of Pittsburgh (Contact Author)


Mehmet E. Yaya, Eastern Michigan University
Stephen Billings, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Michael Montgomery, University of Maine
Lin Cui, University of Pittsburgh


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1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 13L
Public Policy and Health Care

Session Chairs:

Stephen Billings, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte


"Local Option and Crime: A Quasi-Experimental Approach to Evaluating County Alcohol Policies"
Stephen Billings, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte (Contact Author)

"Tobacco Control Programs Revisited: Going Inside the Black Box"
Donald Kenkel, Cornell University
Hua Wang, Cornell University
Johanna C. Maclean, Cornell University (Contact Author)


Johanna C. Maclean, Cornell University
Stephen Billings, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte


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3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 15M
Poverty, Crime and Courts

Session Chairs:

Valentina Dimitrova-Grajzl, Washington and Lee University


"Developing and Validating a Multidimensional Scale to Perform the ‘Efficiency’ Analysis of the Service Providers of Poverty Alleviation Programs in Bangladesh"
Tamgid Ahmed Chowdhury, Macquarie University (Contact Author)
Pundarik Mukhopadhaya, Macquarie University

"Economic Conditions and Youth Crime"
Yun-Shan Chan, Stony Brook University (Contact Author)

"Court Output, Judicial Staffing, and the Demand for Court Services: Evidence from Slovenian Local Courts"
Valentina Dimitrova-Grajzl, Washington and Lee University (Contact Author)
Janez Sustersic, University of Primorska
Katarina Zajc, University of Ljubljana
Peter Grajzl, Washington and Lee University

"Internalizing Violence: Policing Externalities in Organized Crime"
Douglas Rogers, George Mason University (Contact Author)


Stephen Billings, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Stephen J. Cotten, University of Houston-Clear Lake
Chad Wayne Seagren, Naval Postgraduate School
Douglas Rogers, George Mason University


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