2010 Sessions for Griffin S. Edwards

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 05B*
Law and Economics I


Joanna M. Shepherd, Emory University

Session Chairs:

Sasha Volokh, Emory University


"Doing Their Duty: An Empirical Analysis of the Unintended Effect of Tarasoff Versus Regents on Homicidal Activity"
Griffin S. Edwards, Emory University (Contact Author)

"Is Antitrust Too Complicated for Generalist Judges? The Impact of Economic Complexity and Judicial Training on Appeals"
Joshua D. Wright, George Mason University (Contact Author)
Michael R. Baye, Indiana University

"Revealed Deference"
Bert I. Huang, Columbia University (Contact Author)

"Prison Vouchers"
Sasha Volokh, Emory University (Contact Author)


Sasha Volokh, Emory University
Bert I. Huang, Columbia University
Joshua D. Wright, George Mason University
Griffin S. Edwards, Emory University


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 05F
Topics in Education


David E. Frisvold, Emory University

Session Chairs:

David E. Frisvold, Emory University


"Facing Sexual Assault as a Youth: Are There Educational Scars?"
Arthur H. Goldsmith, Washington and Lee University
Timothy M. Diette, Washington and Lee University (Contact Author)
Darrick Hamilton, The New School
William A. Darity, Jr., Duke University

"High School Exit Exams and Dropout"
Dave Marcotte, University of Maryland, Baltimore County (Contact Author)

"Pre-Kindergarten Care and School Readiness: The Role of Language"
Jill Cannon, Public Policy Institute of California
Alison Jacknowitz, American University (Contact Author)
Lynn Karoly, RAND Corporation

"Full-Day Kindergarten and Student Achievement"
Griffin S. Edwards, Emory University (Contact Author)
David E. Frisvold, Emory University


Arthur H. Goldsmith, Washington and Lee University
Griffin S. Edwards, Emory University
David E. Frisvold, Emory University
Dave Marcotte, University of Maryland, Baltimore County


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