2010 Sessions for Joel M. Potter

4:15 - 5:45 p.m.
Session 03I
Topics in Labor Economics

Session Chairs:

Michael Bonnal, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga


"Offshoring and the Skill-Premium in the U.S.: Evidence from Individual Worker Data"
Tommaso Tempesti, Vanderbilt University (Contact Author)

"The Effects of California's Paid Family Leave on Labor Outcomes"
Mary Schroeder, Emory University (Contact Author)

"Worker Signals Among New College Graduates: The Role of Selectivity and GPA"
Brad Hershbein, University of Michigan (Contact Author)

"Social Interactions and Urban Decisions"
Zackary Hawley, Georgia State University (Contact Author)


John M. Nunley, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Neha Nanda, Florida State University
Joel M. Potter, North Georgia College & State University
Shabana Singh, Vanderbilt University


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 07J
Teaching Effectiveness

Session Chairs:

Joel M. Potter, North Georgia College & State University


"A Classroom Experiment on Import Tariffs and Quotas Under Perfect and Imperfect Competition"
Sean E. Mulholland, Stonehill College (Contact Author)

"Absenteeism and Exam Performance: Evidence for Introductory Microeconomics"
Tin-Chun Lin, Indiana University Northwest (Contact Author)

"Comparing the Teaching Evaluations of Domestic and International Students: Are There Differences in Relative Strengths?"
Bhavneet Walia, Nicholls State University (Contact Author)
James Ragan, Kansas State University
Joel M. Potter, North Georgia College & State University

"The Effects of Legalized Cheating in the Classroom"
Joel M. Potter, North Georgia College & State University (Contact Author)
Shane Sanders, Nicholls State University
John Scott, North Georgia College & State University


Sean E. Mulholland, Stonehill College
Tin-Chun Lin, Indiana University Northwest
Lauren Calimeris, University of Colorado at Boulder
Zijun Luo, Kansas State University


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