2010 Sessions for Kang Ernest Liu

3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 18D
International and Global Economics


Yu Hsing, Southeastern Louisiana University

Session Chairs:

Yongsheng Xu, Georgia State University


"Tax Avoidance, Tax Preference and Re-Imports: The Case of ‘Redundant’ Trade"
Xuepeng (Paul) Liu, Kennesaw State University (Contact Author)

"Is Protectionism Rational Under the Financial Crisis? Analysis from the Perspective of International Political Relations"
Lian An, University of North Florida (Contact Author)
Jie Cai, Huazhong Normal University

"Heterogeneous Information, Foreign Exchange Intervention, and Exchange Rate Reversion: A Synchronizing Channel Perspective and Nonlinear Analysis"
Xiaofei Yu, Suffolk University (Contact Author)

"Impacts of Avian Influenza Outbreak Threat on Food Consumption"
Kang Ernest Liu, National Chung Cheng University (Contact Author)
Min-Hsin Huang, National Sun Yat-Sen University
Jane Lu Hsu, National Chung Hsing University
Hwang-Jaw Lee, Ching Yun University


Xiaofei Yu, Suffolk University
Xuepeng (Paul) Liu, Kennesaw State University
Ben-Chieh Liu, Chicago State University


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