2010 Sessions for Xiang Gao

3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 02M
Topics in Economic Theory

Session Chairs:

Hisaya Kitaoka, Franklin College


"Objective and Subjective Expected Utility with Incomplete Preferences"
Tsogbadral Galaabaatar, Johns Hopkins University, Department of Economics (Contact Author)

"Entry into the Prostitution Market: The Role of Incomplete Information"
Jennifer Hafer, University of Arkansas (Contact Author)

"Private Debt with Pervasive Risk of Default"
Xiang Gao, Iowa State University (Contact Author)

"Network Effects, Income and Piracy"
Seoung Joun Won, University of Missouri - Columbia (Contact Author)

"Labor Market Dynamics with Endogenous Labor Force Participation and On-the-Job Search"
Didem Tuzemen, University of Maryland College Park (Contact Author)


Elaine F. Frey, California State University, Long Beach
Sunanda Roy, Iowa State University
Nicholas Curott, George Mason University
Andres J. Vargas, Texas Tech University
Velma Zahirovic-Herbert, The University of Georgia


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