2010 Sessions for Lin-Han Chiang Hsieh

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 06A
Housing and Real Estate Economics


Douglas S. Noonan, Georgia Institute of Technology

Session Chairs:

Douglas S. Noonan, Georgia Institute of Technology


"Valuing the Redevelopment Option: A Spatial Analysis"
Henry J. Munneke, The University of Georgia
Kiplan S. Womack, The University of Georgia (Contact Author)

"Drive ‘Til You Qualify: Residential Sorting in Suburbia"
Andrew Hanson, Georgia State University
Kurt E. Schnier, Georgia State University (Contact Author)
Geoffrey K. Turnbull, Georgia State University

"Adoption of Home HVAC Technologies: Neighborhood Effects and Diffusion"
Douglas S. Noonan, Georgia Institute of Technology (Contact Author)
Daniel Matisoff, Georgia Institute of Technology
Lin-Han Chiang Hsieh, Georgia Institute of Technology

"Measures of the Holdout Problem in Land Assembly"
Christopher Cunningham, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta (Contact Author)




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1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 05C*
Revisiting the Impact of Combating Global Warming


David E.R. Gay, University of Arkansas

Session Chairs:

Mark Funk, University of Arkansas at Little Rock


"Social Policy Toward Carbon Dioxide: Revisiting Externalities and Unintended Consequences"
Richard K. Ford, University of Arkansas at Little Rock (Contact Author)
Charles R. Britton, University of Arkansas
David E.R. Gay, University of Arkansas

"Localized Impacts of Global Warming: Unforeseen Implications and Consequences"
Don L. Coursey, The University of Chicago (Contact Author)

"Prospects for and Implications of Decoupling Georgia's Electricity Utilities"
Lin-Han Chiang Hsieh, Georgia Institute of Technology (Contact Author)
Douglas S. Noonan, Georgia Institute of Technology


Mark Funk, University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Richard K. Ford, University of Arkansas at Little Rock


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