2010 Sessions for Tibor Besedes

3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 08D*
Trade Agreements and Trade Patterns


Robert M. Feinberg, American University

Session Chairs:

Robert M. Feinberg, American University


"Ethnic Networks: They Increase Trade, Do They Also Decrease Price Dispersion?"
Michael Anderson, Washington and Lee University (Contact Author)
Martin Davies, Washington and Lee University
Stephen Smith, Gordon College

"Trade Agreements and Multimarket Collusion"
Eric W. Bond, Vanderbilt University (Contact Author)
Costas Syropoulos, Drexel University

"The Growth of Bilateralism"
Scott L. Baier, Clemson University (Contact Author)
Jeffrey H. Bergstrand, University of Notre Dame
Ronald Mariutto, University of Notre Dame


Robert M. Feinberg, American University
Tibor Besedes, Georgia Institute of Technology
Justin R Pierce, U.S. Census Bureau


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 08F*
Empirical Studies of Trade Protection


Robert M. Feinberg, American University

Session Chairs:

Eric W. Bond, Vanderbilt University


"The Role of Antidumping in Duration of Trade"
Tibor Besedes, Georgia Institute of Technology (Contact Author)

"Antidumping: A Problem of Development, Not of Trade?"
Robert M. Feinberg, American University (Contact Author)

"Are All Trade Protection Policies Created Equal? Empirical Evidence for Nonequivalent Market Power Effects of Tariffs and Quotas"
Justin R Pierce, U.S. Census Bureau (Contact Author)
Bruce Blonigen, University of Oregon
Benjamin H. Liebman, Saint Joseph's University
Wesley Wilson, University of Oregon


Michael Anderson, Washington and Lee University
Scott L. Baier, Clemson University
Eric W. Bond, Vanderbilt University


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10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 08G
Volatility in International Trade


Volodymyr Lugovskyy, Georgia Institute of Technology

Session Chairs:

Volodymyr Lugovskyy, Georgia Institute of Technology


"Non Linear Costs Link Demand Volatility Across Markets"
Dan Nguyen, University of Copenhagen
Georg Schaur, The University of Tennessee (Contact Author)

"Trade Exposure and Volatility at the Plant Level"
Christopher J. Kurz, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Mine Senses, Johns Hopkins University (Contact Author)

"Export Growth and Credit Constraints"
Tibor Besedes, Georgia Institute of Technology
Byung-Cheol Kim, Georgia Institute of Technology
Volodymyr Lugovskyy, Georgia Institute of Technology (Contact Author)


Joel Rodrigue, Vanderbilt University
Georg Schaur, The University of Tennessee
Christopher J. Kurz, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System


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2:00 - 3:45 p.m.
Session 08H
International Trade Barriers


Tibor Besedes, Georgia Institute of Technology

Session Chairs:

Tibor Besedes, Georgia Institute of Technology


"Free Trade Agreements and External Tariffs"
Baybars Karacaovali, Fordham University (Contact Author)

"Reasons for Dumping, Import Demand Elasticity, and Exporter Responses to Antidumping Duties"
Dmitri Nizovtsev, Washburn University
Alexandre Skiba, University of Wyoming (Contact Author)

"Trade Liberalization and Wages: Evidence from Matched Employer-Employee Data"
Pravin Krishna, John Hopkins University
Jennifer Pamela Poole, University of California, Santa Cruz
Mine Senses, Johns Hopkins University (Contact Author)


Mine Senses, Johns Hopkins University
Yoto V. Yotov, Drexel University
Volodymyr Lugovskyy, Georgia Institute of Technology


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1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 16L
Group Cooperation Experiments


Cary A. Deck, University of Arkansas

Session Chairs:

Sudipta Sarangi, Louisiana State University


"Overcoming the Tragedy of the Commons: A Test of the Partnership Solution"
Neslihan Uler, University of Michigan (Contact Author)
Josh Cherry, University of Michigan
Steve Salant, University of Michigan

"Long-Term and Heterogeneous Treatment Effects from Non-Pecuniary Approaches to Common Pool Management: A Large-Scale Natural Field Experiment"
Paul J. Ferraro, Georgia State University (Contact Author)
Juan Jose Miranda, Georgia State University

"Making an Optimal Choice: Individual Versus Group Decisions"
Sudipta Sarangi, Louisiana State University (Contact Author)
Tibor Besedes, Georgia Institute of Technology
Cary A. Deck, University of Arkansas
Sarah Marx, Louisiana State University
Mike Shor, Vanderbilt University


Sudipta Sarangi, Louisiana State University
Shabori Sen, University of Central Florida
Neslihan Uler, University of Michigan


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