2010 Sessions for Catherine Tyler Mooney

2:00 - 3:45 p.m.
Session 03H
Industrial Organization: Empirical and Experimental


Adam D. Rennhoff, Middle Tennessee State University

Session Chairs:

Adam D. Rennhoff, Middle Tennessee State University


"Horizontal Product Differentiation in Auctions and Multilateral Negotiations"
Charles J. Thomas, Clemson University (Contact Author)

"Market Power, Audience Segmentation, and Radio Advertising Levels"
Catherine Tyler Mooney, The University of Oklahoma (Contact Author)

"Reconsidering Gross Receipts Taxes"
Zhou Yang, The University of Tennessee (Contact Author)

"Switching Costs and the Incentive to Bundle"
Adam D. Rennhoff, Middle Tennessee State University (Contact Author)


Catherine Tyler Mooney, The University of Oklahoma
Zhou Yang, The University of Tennessee
Adam D. Rennhoff, Middle Tennessee State University
Charles J. Thomas, Clemson University


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