2010 Sessions for Christopher Curran

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 06F*
Advances in Neuroeconomics


Christopher Curran, Emory University

Session Chairs:

Christopher Curran, Emory University


"Neuroeconomics: A Primer on the Do’s and Don’ts of Brain Imaging"
Gregory S. Berns, Emory University (Contact Author)

"Are Sacred Values Really Sacred?"
C. Monica Capra, Emory University (Contact Author)

"Investigating the Neural Basis of Social Cooperation and Non-Cooperation Using fMRI and Interactive Games"
James K. Rilling, Emory University (Contact Author)

"The Neurobiology of Decision-Making in Social Contexts"
Read Montague, Baylor College of Medicine (Contact Author)


Christopher Curran, Emory University
Glenn W. Harrison, Georgia State University
Eva E. Rutstrom, University of Central Florida


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