2010 Sessions for Joshua C. Hall

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 14B*
Economics of Education Papers


John Merrifield, The University of Texas at San Antonio

Session Chairs:

John Merrifield, The University of Texas at San Antonio


"The Competitive Effects of the CEO Horizon Voucher Program in the Edgewood Independent School District in San Antonio"
Nathan Gray, Young Harris College (Contact Author)

"Economic Fundamentals of Charter Law, Tuition Vouchers, and Tuition Tax Credits"
John Merrifield, The University of Texas at San Antonio (Contact Author)

"Tiebout Competition, Yardstick Competition, and Tax Instrument Choice: Evidence from Ohio School Districts"
Joshua C. Hall, Beloit College (Contact Author)


Lori L. Taylor, Texas A&M University
Joshua C. Hall, Beloit College
Peter J. Boettke, George Mason University


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 18F*
Applied Political Economy


Joshua C. Hall, Beloit College

Session Chairs:

Joshua C. Hall, Beloit College


"Ease of Travel"
Robert A. Lawson, Auburn University (Contact Author)
Jayme Lemke, George Mason University

"Political Influences in Greenspace Grant Allocations"
Frank Stephenson, Berry College (Contact Author)
Shawn Regan, Berry College

"Can Voters Restrain Leviathan"
David T. Mitchell, University of South Alabama (Contact Author)

"Property Tax Assessment and Progressivity"
Justin M. Ross, Indiana University (Contact Author)


Michael D. Stroup, Stephen F. Austin State University
Nathan J. Ashby, The University of Texas at El Paso
Frank Stephenson, Berry College
Edward J. Lopez, San Jose State University


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