Saturday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA* |
Session 10B* Cliometrics II: European Economic History |
Organizers: |
Jac C. Heckelman, Wake Forest University |
Session Chairs: |
Bryan McCannon, Wake Forest University |
Papers: |
"The Origin of Democracy in Athens" "Was the Nineteenth Century Different? Productivity Growth and Protection in the German Cotton Textile Industry" "From Capture to Condemnation: Delay and Dissipation in the British Naval Prize System" "Pro Bono Publico? Demand for Military Spending Between the World Wars" |
Discussants: |
Roger Congleton, George Mason University |
Monday 1:00 - 2:45 p.m. SEA* |
Session 14L* Empirical Industrial Organization I |
Organizers: |
Jonathan H. Hamilton, University of Florida |
Session Chairs: |
Jonathan H. Hamilton, University of Florida |
Papers: |
"A Dynamic Model of Price Discrimination and Inventory Management at the Fulton Fish Market" "Reputation, Altruism, and the Benefits of Seller Charity: Evidence from an Online Marketplace" "Sudden Unintended Used-Price Deceleration? The 2009-2010 Toyota Recall" "The Impact of Competition on Technology Adoption: An Apples-to-PCs Analysis" |
Discussants: |
Alon Eizenberg, Hebrew University |
Monday 3:00 - 4:45 p.m. SEA* |
Session 14M* Empirical Industrial Organization II |
Organizers: |
Jonathan H. Hamilton, University of Florida |
Session Chairs: |
Jonathan H. Hamilton, University of Florida |
Papers: |
"Upstream Innovation and Product Variety in the Home PC Market" "Gas Prices, Product Selection, and Endogenous Product Choice in the U.S. Auto Industry" "Entry and Selection in Auctions" "Push-Me Pull-You: Comparative Advertising in the OTC Analgesics Industry" |
Discussants: |
George Hall, Brandeis University |