2010 Sessions for Erika I. Gulyas

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 23G
A Global Perspective and Country Studies on Inflation and Exports

Session Chairs:

Erika I. Gulyas, Trinity University


"Inflation in Chile, Colombia and Mexico: Did Structural Change Occur and When?"
William Miles, Wichita State University (Contact Author)

"A Structural Explanation of Comovements in Inflation Across Developed Countries"
Jesus A. Bejarano, Texas A&M University (Contact Author)

"Did Globalization Reduce Inflation?"
Erika I. Gulyas, Trinity University (Contact Author)
N. Kundan Kishor, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
Swati Kumari, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee

"Export Duration and New Market Entry"
Anna Rakhman, George Washington University (Contact Author)


Jesus A. Bejarano, Texas A&M University
William Miles, Wichita State University
Pavel Kapinos, Carleton College
Anna Rakhman, George Washington University


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1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 20L
Studies of Inflation I

Session Chairs:

Pavel Kapinos, Carleton College


"New Tips from TIPS: Identifying Inflation Expectations and the Risk Premia of Breakeven Inflation"
Zheng Zeng, Bowling Green State University (Contact Author)

"Inflation Uncertainty and the Decision to Devalue"
Menna Bizuneh, Georgia State University (Contact Author)

"Aggregate Evidence of Nominal Price Rigidities and the Inflation-Output Trade-Off: The Relationship Between the Income Share of Labor and the Rate of Inflation"
Christian Jensen, University of South Carolina (Contact Author)

"Forward-looking Monetary Policy and Anticipated Shocks to Inflation"
Pavel Kapinos, Carleton College (Contact Author)


Menna Bizuneh, Georgia State University
Clifford F. Thies, Shenandoah University
Erika I. Gulyas, Trinity University
Pavel Kapinos, Carleton College


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