2010 Sessions for Ali Dadpay

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 22A
Oligopoly Models

Session Chairs:

Yong Chao, University of Louisville


"Simulating Oligopoly to Enhance Student Learning"
Christopher S. Ruebeck, Lafayette College (Contact Author)
Joseph Harrington, Johns Hopkins University

"Making Friends with Your Neighbors? Agglomeration and Tacit Collusion in the Lodging Industry"
Manuel A. Hernandez, International Food Policy Research Institute (Contact Author)
Li Gan, Texas A&M University

"Strategic Effects of Three-Part Tariffs Under Oligopoly"
Yong Chao, University of Louisville (Contact Author)


Christopher S. Ruebeck, Lafayette College
Ali Dadpay, Clayton State University
Kosin Isariyawongse, Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
Caleb Stroup, Vanderbilt University


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 13J
Development and Transition Economies

Session Chairs:

Shabana Singh, Vanderbilt University


"India's Poverty: A Multidimensional Perspective"
Shabana Singh, Vanderbilt University (Contact Author)

"Culture as a Function of the Institutional Make-up of a Society: Historical Evidence from an Ex-Soviet Country"
Olga Nicoara, George Mason University (Contact Author)

"A Review of Iranian Aviation Industry: Victim of Sanctions or Creation of Mismanagement?"
Ali Dadpay, Clayton State University (Contact Author)


Olga Nicoara, George Mason University
T.M. Tonmoy Islam, University of Kentucky
Triyakshana Venkatraman, George Mason University


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