2010 Sessions for Andrew Hanson

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 06A
Housing and Real Estate Economics


Douglas S. Noonan, Georgia Institute of Technology

Session Chairs:

Douglas S. Noonan, Georgia Institute of Technology


"Valuing the Redevelopment Option: A Spatial Analysis"
Henry J. Munneke, The University of Georgia
Kiplan S. Womack, The University of Georgia (Contact Author)

"Drive ‘Til You Qualify: Residential Sorting in Suburbia"
Andrew Hanson, Georgia State University
Kurt E. Schnier, Georgia State University (Contact Author)
Geoffrey K. Turnbull, Georgia State University

"Adoption of Home HVAC Technologies: Neighborhood Effects and Diffusion"
Douglas S. Noonan, Georgia Institute of Technology (Contact Author)
Daniel Matisoff, Georgia Institute of Technology
Lin-Han Chiang Hsieh, Georgia Institute of Technology

"Measures of the Holdout Problem in Land Assembly"
Christopher Cunningham, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta (Contact Author)




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