2010 Sessions for Andrew Stephenson

2:00 - 3:45 p.m.
Session 21H
Labor Market Behavior

Session Chairs:

Serife Genc, University of Pittsburgh


"Human Capital Externalities and Employment Differences across Metropolitan Areas of U.S."
John Winters, Auburn University at Montgomery (Contact Author)

"The Impact of Work-Limiting Disability on Labor Force Participation"
Douglas Webber, Cornell University (Contact Author)
Melissa Bjelland, Cornell University

"The Effect of Outside Income Sources on Households’ Labor Market Behavior"
Andrew Stephenson, Georgia State University (Contact Author)

"Skill Premium in U.S. and Canada"
Serife Genc, University of Pittsburgh (Contact Author)


Andrew Stephenson, Georgia State University
John Winters, Auburn University at Montgomery
Janice Compton, University of Manitoba
Maria Minniti, Southern Methodist University


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