2010 Sessions for Tibebe Assefa

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 03K
Monetary Economics I

Session Chairs:

Tarron Khemraj, New College of Florida


"Does Money Matter? Empirical Evidence from BRICs"
Tibebe Assefa, The University of Texas-Pan American (Contact Author)
Fang Fang, The University of Texas-Pan American

"Excess Reserves, Threshold Loan Rate, Aggregate Output and Prices"
Tarron Khemraj, New College of Florida (Contact Author)

"The Liquidity Effects and Exchange Rate Dynamics in a Simple Open-Economy Model"
Yan Li, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire (Contact Author)


Yan Li, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Tibebe Assefa, The University of Texas-Pan American
Berrak Buyukkarabacak, University of Georgia


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