2011 Sessions for Joshua Hendrickson

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 09F
The Impact and Importance of Monetary Policy Shocks

Session Chairs:

David Beckworth, Texas State University


"New Measures of Monetary Policy Shocks from Alternatives to the Greenbok"
Dan Groft, McNeese State University (Contact Author)
W. Douglas McMillin, Louisiana State University

"New Evidence on the Bank Capital Channel of Monetary Policy"
John Kandrac, University of Oregon (Contact Author)

"Estimating the Regional Effects of Monetary Policy: Quasi-Narratives vs. VAR Identification of Monetary Policy Shocks"
Taehee Han, Louisiana State University
W. Douglas McMillin, Louisiana State University (Contact Author)

"The Portfolio Channel of Monetary Policy: Evidence from the Flow of Funds"
David Beckworth, Texas State University (Contact Author)
Joshua Hendrickson, The University of Mississippi


John Kandrac, University of Oregon
W. Douglas McMillin, Louisiana State University
David Beckworth, Texas State University
Dan Groft, McNeese State University


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