2011 Sessions for Dirk W. Early

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 11K*
Housing Markets and Policies

Session Chairs:

John Weicher, Hudson Institute


"The Effect on Program Participation of Replacing Current Low-Income Housing Programs with an Entitlement Housing Voucher Program"
Edgar O. Olsen, University of Virginia (Contact Author)

"Geographical Price Variation, Housing Assistance and Poverty"
Dirk W. Early, Southwestern University (Contact Author)
Edgar O. Olsen, University of Virginia

"Do Blacks Pay More for Identical Rental Housing and Do Whites Pay a Premium to Live in Predominantly White Areas?: Evidence from HUD’s Housing Voucher Program"
Dirk W. Early, Southwestern University (Contact Author)
Paul Carrillo, The George Washington University
Edgar O. Olsen, University of Virginia


Mark Calabria, Cato Institute
Thesia Garner, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Scott Susin, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development


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1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 11L*
New Interarea Price Indices

Session Chairs:

Edgar O. Olsen, University of Virginia


"Interarea Price Indices Based on the Data Underlying the Time-Series CPI"
Bettina H. Aten, Bureau of Economic Analysis (Contact Author)

"A Panel of Price Indices for Housing Services, Other Goods, and All Goods for All Areas in the United States 1982-Present"
Dirk W. Early, Southwestern University (Contact Author)
Paul Carrillo, The George Washington University
Edgar O. Olsen, University of Virginia


Paul Sullivan, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Barry Hirsch, Georgia State University


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