2011 Sessions for Douglas A. Fox

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 11J
The Economics of Employment and Wage Determination

Session Chairs:

Michael Bonnal, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga


"Jobless Recovery"
James P. DeNicco, Drexel University (Contact Author)

"Legal Largesse or Big, Fat Failure: Do Weight-Based Discrimination Laws Improve Employment Outcomes for the Obese?"
Jennifer Bennett Shinall, Vanderbilt University (Contact Author)

"Are Social Networks Compliments or Substitutes? The Case of Immigrant Economic Assimilation?"
Jingjing Ye, Southern Methodist University (Contact Author)

"A Quasi-Experimental Approach to Estimating the Value of Reducing Risk"
Jonathan Lee, North Carolina State University (Contact Author)


Lester A. Zeager, East Carolina University
Douglas A. Fox, ERS Group
Anna Nesterenko, ERS Group
Michael Bonnal, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga


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10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 14K
Intergenerational and Occupational Mobility

Session Chairs:

Dzung Nguyen, University at Albany, The State University of New York


"Magic Transition? International Educational and Occupational Mobility in Rural China: 1988-2002"
M. Shahe Emran, The George Washington University
Yan Sun, International Food Policy Research Institute (Contact Author)

"Self-employment Versus Wage-Employment: A Dynamic Choice Model"
Cristian Pardo, Saint Joseph's University (Contact Author)
Jaime Ruiz-Tagle, Universidad de Chile

"The Effects of Job Mobility and Intermittent Work History on Earnings: A Comparison of Men and Women"
Anna Nesterenko, ERS Group (Contact Author)
Douglas A. Fox, ERS Group

"Impact of Parental Bargaining Power on Intergenerational Mobility of Earnings: Evidence in the United States"
Dzung Nguyen, University at Albany, The State University of New York (Contact Author)

"Does the Duration of VR Services Associate with Higher Earnings of Consumers? Evidence from RSA-911, 2006-2009"
Zafar Nazarov, Cornell University (Contact Author)
Arun Karpur, Cornell University


Cristian Pardo, Saint Joseph's University
Zafar Nazarov, Cornell University
Stephen Rubb, Sacred Heart University
Douglas A. Fox, ERS Group
Timothy Yang Bian, Georgetown University


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