2011 Sessions for Jeffrey Thompson

1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 09C
Labor Demand and Supply

Session Chairs:

Timothy Yang Bian, Georgetown University


"The EITC and Hours Worked: New Evidence from a Regression Kink Design"
Margaret Jones, Cornell University (Contact Author)

"Towards a More Comprehensive Measure of Labor Underutilization: Underemployment in Alabama"
Michael Bonnal, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (Contact Author)
Samuel Addy, The University of Alabama
Cristina Lira, The University of Alabama

"Determinants of Volunteer Work in Turkey"
Arzu Sen, Zirve University (Contact Author)
David Christafore, Konkuk University

"Understanding Labor Supply Responses in the Great Recession: An Analysis with the 2009 Panel of the Survey of Consumer Finances"
Jesse Bricker, Federal Reserve Board (Contact Author)
Kevin B. Moore, Federal Reserve Board
Jeffrey Thompson, University of Massachusetts

"Sectoral Shocks, Mismatch and Monetary Policy"
Timothy Yang Bian, Georgetown University (Contact Author)
Pedro Gete, Georgetown University


Jesse Bricker, Federal Reserve Board
Arzu Sen, Zirve University
Michael Bonnal, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Margaret Jones, Cornell University
Reshmi Sengupta, Northern Illinois University


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2:00 - 3:45 p.m.
Session 24H
Topics in Poverty and Domestic Economic Development

Session Chairs:

Arthur H. Goldsmith, Washington and Lee University


"A Statistical and Spatial Investigation of Personal Income Differences in Mississippi"
Onyumbe Lukongo, Mississippi State University (Contact Author)

"Sitting on the TVA Fence: Is the Grass Greener on the Other Side? An Examination of County Level Economic Outcomes 1930-1967"
Carl T. Kitchens, University of Arizona (Contact Author)

"How Initial Conditions Affect the Severity of Poverty"
T.M. Tonmoy Islam, University of Kentucky (Contact Author)

"Analyzing Potential Oil Spill Damages to Wetlands in Galveston Bay: A GIS-centric Approach"
Hillary Huffer, East Carolina University (Contact Author)

"The Impact of Personal Income Tax Rates on the Employment Decisions of Small Businesses"
Katie Sobczyk Player, Clemson University (Contact Author)


Shatakshee Dhongde, Georgia Institute of Technology
Jeffrey Thompson, University of Massachusetts
Jan Bentzen, Aarhus University
Frederick J. Oerther, III, Greensboro College
Brett Gelso, Deloitte


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 14J
Geography, Labor Mobility, and Taxation

Session Chairs:

Youngok Lim, Drew University


"Locked in the House: Do Underwater Mortgages Reduce Labor Market Mobility?"
Calvin Schnure, National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts® (Contact Author)
Colleen Donovan, Charles River Associates

"The Relationship Between Location Choice and Earnings Inequality"
Peter McHenry, The College of William & Mary (Contact Author)

"The Changes in the Work-Related Training Patterns of Foreign-Versus U.S.-Born Workers Since 1990"
Youngok Lim, Drew University (Contact Author)

"The Impact of a Personal Property Tax on Automobile Consumption"
Ariel Belasen, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (Contact Author)


Jeffrey Thompson, University of Massachusetts
Masaki Nakabayashi, The University of Tokyo
Ariel Belasen, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Calvin Schnure, National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts®


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