2011 Sessions for Soohyung Lee

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 06A
Issues on East Asian Economies


Semoon Chang, University of South Alabama

Session Chairs:

Kwan Suk Kim, University of Notre Dame


"Dealing with International Capital Movement: Some Reconsiderations"
Yoonbai Kim, University of Kentucky (Contact Author)

"Benefits and Challenges in Trade and Investment Cooperation Between Arab League States and China"
Inchul Kim, Sung Kyun Kwan University (Contact Author)

"Brides for Sale: Cross-Border Marriages and Female Immigration"
Daiji Kawaguchi, Hitotsubashi University
Soohyung Lee, University of Maryland (Contact Author)

"Broadband Access and Its Impact on Sales Tax Collections"
Mohan Menon, University of South Alabama (Contact Author)


Namsuk Choi, Korea Economic Research Institute
Kwan Suk Kim, University of Notre Dame
Keunkwan Ryu, Seoul National University
Inhyuck Ha, Western Carolina University


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1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 06C
Economic Issues on North Korea


Semoon Chang, University of South Alabama

Session Chairs:

Kwan Suk Kim, University of Notre Dame


"Economics of War and Peace"
Kyoko Mona, Manhattanville College (Contact Author)

"The Experiences of Monetary Union in the Former Two-Economic System Countries (Germany and Vietnam) and Their Implications for the Two Koreas"
Jin-Gil Jeong, Howard University (Contact Author)

"Policy Options on a Nuclear North Korea"
Suk Hi Kim, University of Detroit Mercy (Contact Author)

"Economic Cooperation Between the Two Koreas: Past and Future"
Semoon Chang, University of South Alabama (Contact Author)
Hwa-Kyung Kim, Semyung University


Yung Joon Lee, Pusan National University
Yoonbai Kim, University of Kentucky
Inchul Kim, Sung Kyun Kwan University
Soohyung Lee, University of Maryland


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