2011 Sessions for Masaki Nakabayashi

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 10A
Employment and Wage Structure

Session Chairs:

Masaki Nakabayashi, The University of Tokyo


"Occupational Composition and Wage Inequality"
Carol Scotese, Virginia Commonwealth University (Contact Author)

"Schooling, Employers’ Learning, and Internal Labor Market Bias: Wage Dynamics and Human Capital Investment in the Japanese Steel Industry, 1930-1960s"
Masaki Nakabayashi, The University of Tokyo (Contact Author)

"The Minimum Wage, Teenage Employment and the Business Cycle"
James M. Holmes, University of Buffalo
Patricia A. Hutton, Canisius College (Contact Author)

"The Impacts of ICT Use on Employment and Wages: Firm-Level Evidence from Turkey"
Hilal Atasoy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Contact Author)


Carol Scotese, Virginia Commonwealth University
James M. Holmes, University of Buffalo
Patricia A. Hutton, Canisius College
Hilal Atasoy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 14J
Geography, Labor Mobility, and Taxation

Session Chairs:

Youngok Lim, Drew University


"Locked in the House: Do Underwater Mortgages Reduce Labor Market Mobility?"
Calvin Schnure, National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts® (Contact Author)
Colleen Donovan, Charles River Associates

"The Relationship Between Location Choice and Earnings Inequality"
Peter McHenry, The College of William & Mary (Contact Author)

"The Changes in the Work-Related Training Patterns of Foreign-Versus U.S.-Born Workers Since 1990"
Youngok Lim, Drew University (Contact Author)

"The Impact of a Personal Property Tax on Automobile Consumption"
Ariel Belasen, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (Contact Author)


Jeffrey Thompson, University of Massachusetts
Masaki Nakabayashi, The University of Tokyo
Ariel Belasen, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Calvin Schnure, National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts®


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