2011 Sessions for Suting Hong

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 21J
Oligopoly and Markets

Session Chairs:

Suting Hong, Drexel University


"Leadership, Horizontal Integration, Bundling, and Market Performance in Price-Setting Markets: Integer Effects Matter"
Stephen Martin, Purdue University (Contact Author)
Jan Vandekerckhove, University of Maastricht

"Multidimensional Product Differentiation with Discrete Characteristics"
Mariano Runco, Auburn University at Montgomery (Contact Author)

"Signaling in the Venture Capital Market"
Suting Hong, Drexel University (Contact Author)

"Search Cost, Switching Cost, and Market Power"
Ruth Gilgenbach, Southern Methodist University (Contact Author)

"Endogenous Timing and Strategic Choices: The Cournot-Bertrand Model"
Kosin Isariyawongse, Edinboro University (Contact Author)
Victor J. Tremblay, Oregon State University
Carol Tremblay, Oregon State University


Kosin Isariyawongse, Edinboro University
Ruth Gilgenbach, Southern Methodist University
Stephen Martin, Purdue University
Mariano Runco, Auburn University at Montgomery
Kirill Chernomaz, San Francisco State University


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10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 15K
Auctions, Signalling, Bargaining, and Resources

Session Chairs:

Haiyan Liu, University of Virginia


"Asymmetric Information in Oil and Gas Lease Auctions with a National Company"
Rafael Silva Matoso, Petrobras
Marcelo Rezende, Federal Reserve Board (Contact Author)

"Determination of Odds in Prediction Markets: Coexistence of Posted-Offer and Double-Auction Designs"
Esen Onur, U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (Contact Author)
Levent Celik, CERGE-EI

"Informative Advertising with Signaling Role and Social Learning in the Motion Picture Industry"
Haiyan Liu, University of Virginia (Contact Author)

"Does Trade Between Argentina and Brazil Under Mercosur Induce More Pollution"
Alejandro Dellachiesa, Bates College (Contact Author)

"Economic Effects of Water Allocation: A Case Study of the Krishna Basin"
Shreyasee Das, University of Houston (Contact Author)


Marcelo Rezende, Federal Reserve Board
Suting Hong, Drexel University
Frank R. Gunter, Lehigh University
Claus C. Portner, Seattle University
Alejandro Dellachiesa, Bates College


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