2011 Sessions for Chikako Baba

2:00 - 3:45 p.m.
Session 13H*
Monetary Policy and Inflation Dynamics


Donna K. Ginther, The University of Kansas

Session Chairs:

Pym Manopimoke, The University of Kansas


"Interpreting U.S. Monetary Policy Using the Taylor Rule: A Regime-Switching Approach"
King Banaian, St. Cloud State University (Contact Author)
Ming Chien Lo, St. Cloud State University

"The Forward-Looking Taylor Rule with Unit Root Variables"
Pym Manopimoke, The University of Kansas (Contact Author)

"The Bounds of Inflation Targeting"
Chikako Baba, International Monetary Fund (Contact Author)
Enrique Martinez-Garcia, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

"Output Gaps and Monetary Policy at Low Interest Rates"
Roberto M. Billi, Sveriges Riksbank (Contact Author)


Ming Chien Lo, St. Cloud State University
Pym Manopimoke, The University of Kansas
Enrique Martinez-Garcia, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Roberto M. Billi, Sveriges Riksbank


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