2011 Sessions for Hazel Malapit

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 18G
Gender, Assets and Welfare Outcomes

Session Chairs:

Mieke Meurs, American University


"Macroeconomics, Distribution and Human Development"
Stephanie Seguino, University of Vermont (Contact Author)

"Gender, Empowerment and Mobility of the Poor in Uganda"
Emcet Tas, American University (Contact Author)

"Women's Employment and Asset Ownership in Afghanistan, 2007-08"
Hazel Malapit, The World Bank (Contact Author)
Elena Bardasi, The World Bank

"Modeling Household Asset Allocation as Determined by Ownership, Risk Preferences, and Bargaining Power of Members Within the Household"
Marya Hillesland, American University (Contact Author)


Cheryl Doss, Yale University
Caren Grown, USAID


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