2011 Sessions for Rebecca Epanchin-Niell

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 04A
Agriculture and Forests

Session Chairs:

Trudy Ann Cameron, University of Oregon


"Optimal Detection and Eradication of Invasive Species with Stochastic Colonization and Detection"
Rebecca Epanchin-Niell, Resources for the Future (Contact Author)
Robert Haight, U.S. Forest Service
Andrew Liebhold, U.S. Forest Service
Ludek Berec, Biology Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
John Kean, AgResearch Lincoln University

"Measuring Environmental Efficiency: A Comparison of Input and Output Based Approaches Using Bayesian Distance Frontiers"
Eric Njuki, The University of Connecticut (Contact Author)
Boris Bravo-Ureta, The University of Connecticut
Deep Mukherjee, Thhe University of Connecticut

"Local Regulation: Determinants of Land Use Ordinances in Florida"
Erin Sills, North Carolina State University (Contact Author)
D. Evan Mercer, U.S. Forest Service
Terry Haines, U.S. Forest Service
Pedro Pires De Matos, North Carolina State University
Fred Cubbage, North Carolina State University

"Patterns in Willingness to Fund State Parks: Public Expenditures Versus User Fees"
Brian Vander Naald, University of Oregon (Contact Author)
Trudy Ann Cameron, University of Oregon


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