2011 Sessions for Matthew G. Interis

3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 04D
Coastal and Marine

Session Chairs:

Lynne Lewis, Bates College


"Gulf Views: Towards a Better Understanding of Viewshed Scope in Hedonic Property Models"
Paul R. Hindsley, Eckerd College (Contact Author)
Stuart Hamilton, The College of William & Mary
Ash Morgan, Appalachian State University

"The Effect of Priors and Consequentiality on Preference Revelation in Stated Preference Studies: An Application to Louisiana Coastal Wetlands Restoration Valuation"
Matthew G. Interis, Mississippi State University (Contact Author)
Daniel Petrolia, Mississippi State University
Michael K. Hidrue, Mississippi State University

"Using RP/SP Data to Measure the Effects of the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Oyster Consumer Behavior"
Ash Morgan, Appalachian State University (Contact Author)
John C. Whitehead, Appalachian State University
Gregory Martin, Northern Kentucky University
William L. Huth, University of West Florida
Richard Sjolander, University of West Florida

"Behavioral Response of Fishers to Marine Hypoxia – Evidence from Long Island Sound Fisheries"
Zinnia Mukherjee, Connecticut College (Contact Author)
Dipak K. Dey, University of Connecticut


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