2011 Sessions for Lauri Saaksvuori

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 03F
Blame and Punishment in Public Goods


Cary A. Deck, University of Arkansas

Session Chairs:

Julian Jamison, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston


"The Scapegoat: Downstream Externalities in Voluntary Public Good Provision"
Jason Delaney, University of Arkansas at Little Rock (Contact Author)
Sarah Jacobson, Williams College

"Punishment Networks in Public Goods Games"
Abhijit Ramalingam, University of East Anglia (Contact Author)
James M. Walker, Indiana University
Andreas Leibbrandt, Monash University
Lauri Saaksvuori, Max Planck Institute Jena

"Punishment and Forgiveness Among Groups"
Xiaofei Pan, George Mason University (Contact Author)
Daniel Houser, George Mason University

"Who Likes to Punish? Public Goods with Endogenous Institutions"
Julian Jamison, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (Contact Author)
Michalis Drouvelis, University of Birmingham




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