2011 Sessions for Andrei Barbos

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 15J
Applied Microeconomics III

Session Chairs:

Yi Deng, University of South Florida


"Did Increasing Volatility Cause Increasing U.S. Earnings Inequality? Social Security Administration Data, 1951-2003"
David Splinter, Rice University (Contact Author)

"Financial Habits and Macroeconomic Preferences During the Financial Crisis"
Brent A. Evans, Mississippi State University (Contact Author)

"The Cost of Non-Decreasing Pay: Tenured Academics and Civil Servants"
Stanimir Morfov, Higher School of Economics (Contact Author)

"The Impact of a Public Option in Health Insurance Markets"
Yi Deng, University of South Florida (Contact Author)
Andrei Barbos, University of South Florida

"Structural Estimation of Risk and Time Preferences from a Large Representative Sample"
AJ Bostian, University of Virginia (Contact Author)
Christoph Heinzel, INRA UMR SMART
Arnaud Reynaud, Toulouse School of Economics


AJ Bostian, University of Virginia
David Splinter, Rice University
Brent A. Evans, Mississippi State University
Stanimir Morfov, Higher School of Economics
Haiyan Liu, University of Virginia


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3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 14M
Monopoly and Monopolization

Session Chairs:

Klaus G. Becker, Texas Tech University


"Price and Quantity Determination in a Monopoly with Unknown Demand"
Bharat Bhole, Rochester Institute of Technology (Contact Author)
Bríd Gleeson Hanna, Rochester Institute of Technology

"Incumbents' Response to Patent Enforcement: In Case of the 1994 Korean Patent Reform"
Jun-Byoung Oh, Inha University (Contact Author)
Changsuh Park, Soongsil University

"Mixed Bundling in Two-Sided Markets: Theory and Evidence"
Yong Chao, University of Louisville (Contact Author)
Timothy Derdenger, Carnegie Mellon University

"Competition or Cartel Behavior, Profit Maximization or Win Maximization?"
Eleanor Von Ende, Texas Tech University
Klaus G. Becker, Texas Tech University (Contact Author)


Yong Chao, University of Louisville
Bharat Bhole, Rochester Institute of Technology
Jun-Byoung Oh, Inha University
Andrei Barbos, University of South Florida


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