2011 Sessions for Andros Kourtellos

1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 21C
Topics in Macroeconomics


Sarah B. Cosgrove, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth

Session Chairs:

Sarah B. Cosgrove, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth


"Endogenous Monetary Policy: A Leviathan Central Bank in a Lagos-Wright Economy"
Parag Waknis, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth (Contact Author)

"China Trade Response to Exchange Rate"
Chang Hong, Clark University (Contact Author)

"Discouraging Workers: Estimating Impacts of Macroeconomic Shocks on Search Intensity of Unemployed"
Stephen B. DeLoach, Elon University
Mark R. Kurt, Elon University (Contact Author)

"Failure to Launch? The Role of Land Inequality in Transition Delays"
Chih Ming Tan, Clark University (Contact Author)
Andros Kourtellos, University of Cyprus
Ioanna Stylianou, University of Cyprus


Chang Hong, Clark University
Mark R. Kurt, Elon University
Parag Waknis, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth
Chih Ming Tan, Clark University


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